Live Link Face

Problem: Live Link Face has a black screen. The camera not showing, timecode not working.

Info: iPhone 7, IOS 15.5, Live Link Face 1.2.1.

Hello Gary!

From what you are describing, it seems that the Live Link camera on your device is turned off,

If that’s the case, the solution is simple!. Go to your device and tap on the camera on the top right corner and the problem should be resolved!

Hope this helps!

Unfortunately, the camera is turned on and still doesn’t work.

The problem might be the App camera permissions then.

Here is a video explaining how to reset/grant camera permission to an app, the Live Link app should be found in settings too

Hope this helps!

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I already turned on the camera in the settings for the Live Link Face. Didn’t help.

I’m afraid that iPhone 7 is no longer suitable for the latest version of this application.

I did some research, unfortunately, in order for Live Link to work, it’s necessary for the device hardware to have a True Depth camera, wich the iphone 7 lacks, it is not suitable for the Live Link app.

Sorry for the troubles

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You may want to try faceware studio trial version, as it works with webcam or pre-recorded videos.

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