Live Link Face Importer Plugin

Hey everyone, as with Unreal Engine 5.1 Preview 2 there is a new Plugin called the ‘Live Link Face Importer’ I wanted to ask if anybody was able to make it work with an imported .csv file? What I’m looking for would be an option to import the pre-recorded files and apply it to my characters in the sequencer? Would love to hear from anybody who isn’t struggling like me :smiley:

Yes, no and maybe. I have an imported CSV, mocap retargeted from Mixamo, a meta human and a camera all in a sequence. The CSV is set as a subsequence within the scene, and on the face (sorry) of it this seems to work well. I set scene to simulate (important it seems) and run the sequence, body and face move. Hurrah. Except.
When I try to record a sequence to disk the face does not move - unless I set the playback speed to 100, and then it looks like it’s playing at 100x (no surprise). Just one last step - output - and it’s driving me nuts.