Live Link Face for non-metahuman character

Does anyone know how to setup Live Link Face for use with a non-metahumans character? All the tutorials I’ve seen are specifically for metahumans. My character is not a metahuman but has morph targets for Apple ARkit blendshapes. I just can’t figure out how to setup to use the Live Link Face app to animate the face. With metahumans it’s super simple but I can’t figure out how to do it for non-metahuman characters

Its the exact same thing.

Live link sends data to unreal.
Unreal applies that data to a mesh.

Doesn’t matter what the mesh is.
Provided the morphs/shape keys are present to receive said data.

Maybe in theory yeah but none of the options are there for me to setup with like there are for metahumans. I need to create the blueprints manually but don’t know how

just make an animation blueprint for your skeleton mesh and link livelink to it and select the name of your hardward which has livelinkapp

You can easily do that by using Pose Asset.
Check how the ARKit setup is done, and you can do the same exact thing using your rig, either if it’s using joints or morphs, since the Pose asset store those informations as a pose.
If you want to make life easier, export the pose asset animation as a FBX, import that into your DCC, then use that as a reference for your custom rig by creating the same poses at the same frame, then export the results and import into Unreal, create the pose asset and if you also use the same naming for the poses, you’re good to go.

Docs is quite useful.
Animation using Pose Asset
Pose Asset creation