Live Link Face CSV export / Live Link Face Importer plugin import issue

Trying to get the hang of Metahumans, and I’ve been trying to import a recording from my phone to Unreal, but the CSV file generated doesn’t get recognised as being an animation. I have (what are supposedly) the correct plugins enabled, as you can see here:

Controlling the face live over IP works fine.

The LiveLinkFace app on the phone exports a zip file. I’ve sent that via drop box to my PC. These are the contents:

zip contents

There’s one CSV file there, named frame_log.csv- This is what the content of that looks like


When I go to import this, I only get the option to import it as a data table, a curve table etc- not as a sequence


So: is the iPhone app exporting the wrong thing, or is the plugin not working? Has anyone had this problem and resolved it? Thanks in advance.

Edit: this is on UE 5.3 and Windows

Well, this was disappointing! You described my problem EXACTLY, yet there was no reply to your question. Did you find the answer? If you did, could you get in touch with me at Thanks!!

Nope, nothing as yet. Probably need to make an official bug report

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By the way, I ended up using the recorded video from the .zip file that is generated, instead of the .csv file. It seems to give me much more subtle animations, as well. I would recommend that you use that workflow, instead! Cheers.

Just seen this- thanks, I’ll give it a whirl!

Hello! I hope is not too late, I just ran into this problem today,
It only happens when you have the .csv file opened!

also remember that the video source should have the same FPS from your project,
otherwise you will get a snapped animation with pauses.

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Weird, but thanks! I’ll check it out when I get a chance

Anyone manage to solve this? I’ve tried everything but it still won’t accept my .csv file

Looks like this is still an issue. Has anybody had any luck with this?

Hi all,

The Live Link Face iOS application has two operating modes.

  • Live Link (ARKit)
  • MetaHuman Animator

When recording footage, the resulting take data format differs depending on which of the two modes you are using.

Live Link (ARKit)

The first mode uses Apple’s ARKit to capture real-time animation data generated locally on the iOS device. A take recorded in this mode contains animation .CSV files which store the blendshape values for each frame as generated by ARKit. These CSV files can be imported as animation sequences using the ‘LiveLinkFaceImporter’ plugin. Note that the frame_log.csv is not one of these files. This data can also be live streamed to UE via live link to animate MetaHumans in real-time.

MetaHuman Animator

The second mode is for use with the MetaHuman plugin to generate high quality facial animation via MetaHuman Animator. In this mode the iOS device records the video and depth data from the TrueDepth camera. In the OP’s post it looks like the take in question was recorded using this mode. This data cannot be imported using the ‘LiveLinkFaceImporter’ plugin. Instead the Capture Manager should be used to import the footage into UE in order to generate animation data. If you do not have a need for real-time animation then this is the preferred approach.


hi, really in need of help here
I get this error and dont know what causes it.
Can you help please?

here’s what my file looks like


Sorry to hear you’re having trouble processing your takes.

The error you are seeing occurs when the file path to the take directory contains any text characters that are not within the ANSI character set. E.g.


If you move your takes to a path that contains only ANSI characters then you should be able to process the footage as expected. E.g.

