Live capture in with Webcam or HDMI to USB device.

Hi everyone,

I try to solve my problem.
I make a brand new setup of and i didn’t manage to put a real time capture in the Media Player.
I follow different video and documentation, my device appear but when i try to “Play” it, nothing appear.
Camera and devices working outside Unreal…(for example, chat, OBS or embedded software for webcam)
Have you got advices ?

Hi ,
Same issue is happening with me, did you find any solution?

wait, I just turned Direct X back to 11 version and it worked, seems like the format is not compatible with DX12

Further more, i want to switchbto dx12, so is there any possible solution for this yet?

May I ask for a offical recommendation how use a plain webcam in UE4/5 Engine? I ask for a friend… :alien:

I dont know if i am too late, but best thing switch to forward shading and use unlit material for the media player texture.