I’ll start with one I discovered recently.
If you click on a variable node in a blueprint, then click on its name in the Details panel, then click back on the background of the BP, it will take automatically go to and highlight that variable in the left ‘my blueprint’ panel. Maybe someone can correct me if there’s a better way, but I’m so glad I found this. I hate when I have a ‘set’ node and I want a quick ‘get’ of that same var… this is a decent way. Or I just forget where I put a variable in the organizer, or I want to open up the category its in to find a related var.
Anyone got any other weird tricks they like to use?
One quick one that I think many don’t know:
When dragging a variable into the blueprint, holding CTRL or ALT will give you a Get or Set node instead of you having to click which you would like afterwards. Also you can break connections or move them around by clicking on the connector of a node while holding CTRL or ALT.
Thanks, I will definitely be dragging vars in using ctrl or alt now, I hadn’t heard of that