Little Dungeon Game [WIP]

Hi everyone,

i’m starting a little project to learn to work with blueprint in Unreal engine.

The game is Inspired by the combat system of the mmorpg ‘Dofus’, meaning turnbased and tilebased combat with spells.
Each turn u have a set amount of action points and movement points to cast spells and move around.
There will be 3 levels (whit one mob to battle each), a forest lvl, a dungeon and deeper in the dungeon.
you’ll get a random and limited amount of spells when u start the game and you’ll get some extra spells as drops when u beat a lvl.
The goal of the game is to beat those 3 lvls using the limited spells the game gives u.

i created a little mockup to show what the game will look like
(notice: none of the graphics in the mockup are final, although i will use an easy lowpoly style, to limit the amount of model/rig/texture work)

i also created a list of things i still have to do. i’ll update it as i progress, or if i think of now stuff to implement

prop list:

lvl_1 (forest):
grass floor texture
multiple trees
multiple rocks
multiple grass variations

lvl_2 (dungeon):
brick floor texture
multiple dungeon walls
rubble variations

lvl_3 (deep dungeon)
brick floor texture
multiple dungeon walls
rubble variations


1 model for all characters
main character texture (adventurer)

lvl1 mobs:
hunter texture
bear texture
forest spirit texture

lvl2 mobs:
zombie texture
mage texture

lvl2 mobs:
skeleton texture


Buff Spells
More damage
more defense
reflect damage

playground control spells

skip turn
less damage
less defense

close combat one cell
close combat aoe
2 aoe range spells
2 single cell range spells

Game mechanics to implement:

making the grid
make characters snap to grid
pathfinding on grid

character controls
melee ai
range ai

receiving spells at start of the game
casting spells
receiving spells at end of match


Nice mockup! You need some more variation to make the scenes more interesting, of course, but I like the low-poly aesthetic and earthy color scheme. When making grid based games it is always a difficult balance to decide how obvious the grid should be, and while some games strive to hide the grid to the best of their ability, others make the grid itself part of the game aesthetic. It seems you are going for the latter, which I think is a good call as it has the benefit of making it easier for the player to determine distances etc., which is essential in most TBS games. I’m looking forward to seeing your progress :slight_smile:


i’ve been implementing some of the features i would need to build the game.

Features made so far:

*building the floor from a blueprint where u can adjust size and amount of tiles.
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*floor tiles can tell which tiles are around it
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*Hero can be placed on a tile
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*hero can move to different tiles
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*hero can calculate where it can walk to in a certain walking distance
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*hero can change between walking mode and attacking mode
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*Hero can fire spell which hurts enemies
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*Enemies can walk towards the Hero respecting walking distance
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*Enemies can walk towards the Hero but leave a certain amount of tiles in between
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*Enemies can launch spells at hero
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i’ll add screenshots and gifs/videos later

i’ve been mostly working on tweaking and optimising the existing blueprints.

new features i’ve added:

*partly created working ui
*created spell manager which randomly gives u a selection of spells at the start of the game
*created blueprint to scatter meshes accross the playing field
*created the torches to add some light to the game which u can easily position with blueprint
*created a turn system which takes into account how many players are on the field