Listview Widget Label Text Visuals not updating despite set varible

I’m currently experiencing a headache because I don’t know what is going on. I’m currently trying to set the text of the label that is a child of a button. That button is being added to a Listview box. It prints to two strings after the “SetText (text)” function. When I just make a simple test button, it correctly prints the name onto the button. Only the buttons on the Listview do not visual update despite the correct value being set.

Button widget script:

Single text button adding the quest, going through the same custom events, and the left is the buttons added to the Listview.

As you can see, the listview buttons refuse to have their visuals updated despite them outputting the correct text assigned to them with NO BINDING attached to the label, button, nothing. No bindings.

I am having the same problem (on 4.20 as well). SetText followed by a GetText call prints the correct value, yet the text visually did not change from the initial value.

EDIT: Using a ScrollBox with a VerticalBox basically works the same way.

the ListView does not use your widget, it creates its own dynamically. So if you have a UserWidget, once you add it to the list view that UserWidget becomes irrelevant and calling SetText on it does nothing. You have to get the new Widget (in c++ I get it from the OnGenerateEntryWidgetInternal function) and call SetText on that.