When hosting a listen server, all clients’ movements will be jittery. This is probably because there is no movement interpolation on the listen server’s CharacterMovementComponent. I was wondering if this is ever going to be addressed because it makes listen servers unusable when using Characters.
For now, the solution is to use a dedicated server.
Start up a third person character project, either in C++ or Blueprints. On Play settings (the drop down menu) change the number of players to two. Make sure that the Dedicated Server box is unticked. Play the game.
Go into the client viewport and open the console. Type in Net PktLoss=60. This magnifies the jittering effect. In the (listen) server viewport, you will see the client instantly moving to its most updated position without any interpolation, which causes the jittering effect.
Close out of the game, and go back into the Play settings. This time, check the “Dedicated Server” box. Now, on any of the client viewports, type in Net PktLoss=60. You will see that the movement is being properly interpolated and there is no jitter.
This leads me to believe that the movement component’s interpolation is not supported on listen servers as of right now. It’s not an issue for large dev groups because they will write their own interpolation code, but it would be nice for smaller teams or individuals who use UE4. Thanks!
I was able to reproduce this issue on our end. I written up a report (UE-32005) and I have submitted to the developers for further consideration. I will provide updates with any pertinent information as it becomes available. Thank you for your information and time.
Hmm, I am on 4.12.0 and I can still clearly see clients being jittery on the listen server – the packet loss command was just to accentuate the effect. I haven’t packaged my game yet and have only been testing it in PIE though so maybe it has to do with PIE?
Version 4.18 about release and and near 2018 still not fixed, this make impossible make any coop game! Why is not fixed and why its backlogged when limit any multiplayer coop game!