list of shortcuts


is there a list of shortcuts somewhere?

i’m interested in some basic viewport navigation. like pan, zoom in/out, zoom extents.

would be helpful when remote accessing pc from phone, just to check how things are going and stating next stage etc…



yes, you can find it in the application help. Either press F1 or switch any of views to “help” aspect. The last “cell” in the help start screen is dedicated to shortcuts.

Please let us know if you are missing some input/shortcut here.


thanks, I didn’t notice that.

looks like some useful things in there i didn’t know about.

but i guess i would like to be able to navigate 3d viewport better. having shortcuts for zooming in and out and panning are probably the main things.


You will find the relevant shortcuts also directly in the application Help topics, so that you can find and apply it easier at the spot. The next update will bring a more extended Help section.

It would be nice if you could add the description of the different views when 4, 5, 6 or 7 (numpad) is pressed (something like on cloudcompare front/back/left/right view ?).

4 = left

5 = right

6= front

7 = back

Here’s a link to a PDF for the list of shortcuts:


Yves, it has already been implemented.

The current list of shortcuts may be found in the Help section of the software.

Is there a way to Validate several suggested control point Image measurment in one shortcut ?