List of MetaData Variables

Been looking for a list of metadata varaibles for a while now, and can’t seem to find one. For example, bEditToggle, the documentation here is grossly incomplete…

Not only is the list of metadata specifiers not complete, but metadata variables are not even mentioned, the reasoning behind metadata specifiers themselves are just alluded to and never explained…

and that’s all we get.

EDIT: I just found some more infomratoin, it appears that we can use just any compatable UPROPERTY() variable as a metadata value, for example in…

UPropertyEditorTestObject.h we have…

	bool bEditCondition;

	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category=AdvancedProperties, meta=(editcondition = "bEditCondition"))
	int32 SimplePropertyWithEditCondition;

	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category=StructTests, meta=(editcondition = "bEditCondition"))
	FStringAssetReference AssetReferenceCustomStructWithEditCondition;

You can see an example of it on Youtube@4:35 here…

You will find all the metadata qualifiers in ObjectBase.h.

EditCondition is a special case that just happens to be used this way. Using a “compatible UProperty variable” with any other metadata would make no sense, though there are some select other keywords that do cross-reference different properties.