[Linux][UE4] Is it usable?

After I saw kdenlive I became interested in KDE and decided to completely switch to Kubuntu (blender with krita, already my best friends) but Me stopped just a moment, I want to know how well it runs ue4? Is there any pitfalls?

I heard Linux still doesn’t have a launcher, is it true?

yeah been using it for a while with some bugs here and there.

any ideas on how to crosscompile etc. I get tons of:
[2017.02.12-08.42.40:282][810]LogShaderCompilers:Warning: Failed to compile Material /Game/Ocean/Materials/M_Ocean_Versions/M_Ocean_SSR.M_Ocean_SSR for platform GLSL_430, Default Material will be used in game.
Should Vulkan help once we get that?