I’ve succesfully connected a Windows machine and a Linux machine to a SVN server running on a third machine. I had to do a checkout on both machines before Unreal would recognize anything, but now I can’t do anything:
Oh boy, now I see this in the log… the window being destroyed is the source control dialog disappearing after entering the password and pressing OK, and I still have a green checkmark in the bottom right corner.
Question: Games have to have excellent UX otherwise nobody will bother with them… why do developers have to put up with frankly ■■■■ UX? And looking at this forum, it has been like this for a decade!?
So today when I start the Windows version of Unreal, I get a green checkmark for the source control.
When I start the Linux, I get a yellow triangle and “server unavailable” (which is not true because the Windows machine on the same network has no issue) and then after I log in with the password, it looks like this:
Even replacing the Binaries/Thirdparty/svn with symlinks doesn’t work, yet pasting the commands that Unreal runs in a terminal gives results… I don’t know why Unreal can’t understand them.
So I noticed these old instructions for OS X mention maybe having to run a special command in the terminal to get it working:
And when I tried that in Linux, I do get a new thing I hadn’t seen before (“certificate not issued by a trusted authority”), but even after permanently accepting it, there’s no change in Unreal.