After moving from 4.16.3 to 4.17.2 my linux server build will crash with the following message every time I launch it on my Debian 4.9.0-3 machine:
Fatal error:
[Line: 1082] FMallocBinned2 Attempt to
realloc an unrecognized block
0x7fc81c0e0000 canary == 0x3 != 0xe3
Signal 11 caught. Malloc Size=131076
CommonLinuxCrashHandler: Signal=11
Malloc Size=65535
LargeMemoryPoolOffset=196655 Engine
crash handling finished; re-raising
signal 11 for the default handler.
Good bye. Segmentation fault (core
I’m building my server on tag/4.17.2-release with clang 4.0 downloaded from the 'Building On Linux" wiki page and I’m using the OnlineSubSystemSteam plugin.
Can anybody confirm if this is a bug to be fixed or I’m missing something that need to be tweaked before moving to 4.17?