Linux packaging fails

Hi. I am cross-compiling a project to Linux target from windows. I took a basic scene from Industrial/Architecture templates. Nothing else in the scene but the compass mesh which is a part of SunSky BP. The compilation stage passes okay. It fails on the cooking stage with the following error:

ATHelper: Packaging (Linux (AArch64)):
LogMaterial: Display: Missing cached
shader map for material M_ArrowColor,
compiling. UATHelper: Packaging (Linux
(AArch64)): LogWindows: Error:
begin: stack for UAT UATHelper:
Packaging (Linux (AArch64)):
LogWindows: Error: === Critical error:
=== UATHelper: Packaging (Linux (AArch64)): LogWindows: Error:
UATHelper: Packaging (Linux
(AArch64)): LogWindows: Error: Fatal
error! UATHelper: Packaging (Linux
(AArch64)): LogWindows: Error:
UATHelper: Packaging (Linux
(AArch64)): LogWindows: Error:
UATHelper: Packaging (Linux
(AArch64)): LogWindows: Error: end:
stack for UAT PackagingResults: Error:
begin: stack for UAT PackagingResults:
Error: === Critical error: ===
PackagingResults: Error: Fatal error!
PackagingResults: Error: end: stack
for UAT UATHelper: Packaging (Linux
(AArch64)): Took 107.7248554s to run
UE4Editor-Cmd.exe, ExitCode=3
UATHelper: Packaging (Linux
(AArch64)): ERROR: Cook failed.
UATHelper: Packaging (Linux
(AArch64)): (see
for full exception trace)
PackagingResults: Error: Cook failed.
UATHelper: Packaging (Linux
(AArch64)): AutomationTool exiting
with ExitCode=25
(Error_UnknownCookFailure) UATHelper:
Packaging (Linux (AArch64)): BUILD
FAILED PackagingResults: Error:
Unknown Cook Failure

This " Missing cached shader map for material M_ArrowColor," is the cause of the error, I believe. I investigated this material and found nothing wrong there. I also enabled the compass mesh for the rendering as it was set to be editor only. Nothing changed.

UPDATE (1.04.2021)

I found that the builds fails when using Linux 64bit mode. Regular Linux builds correct. It happens not only on Windows when cross-compiling but also on the Linux OS (using Ubuntu 20.04). I tried all kind of levels (even empty ) but the Linux AArch64 mode always fails. Maybe someone from the Epic stuff could explain what’s going on with that mode?

The “Missing cached shader map” is somehow referring to shaders that have not been compiled. Maybe you can rebuild your whole project and wait for shaders to get compiled. Remember that you shouldn’t try to package your project while the engine is trying to compile the shaders. If you’re still facing this problem, try typing “recompileshaders all” in console.

Im having the same issue with a fresh source build and blank project, did you ever find a solution to this?

This is not an answer…

Bw, I found that the builds fails when using Linux 64bit mode. Regular Linux builds correct. It happens not only on Windows when cross-compiling but also on the Linux OS (using Ubuntu 20.04)