Linux Crash reporter fails to load


I am on arch-linux. Every time my Editor crashes (what is really often in the blueprint editor) the editor fails to start the crash-report-client. I’m not able to select the output, that’s why I’ll post a screenshot below.

Technical infos:

I start the editor via “PRMUS_SYNC=1 primusrun” as well as “-opengl4” at the end.
I am on A Intel+Nvidia Laptop with newest graphics driver.

things I already tried:
recompile the whole Git-Hub Package (two times)

I really would like to help more at bug-finding on Linux, but without the crash-reporter it get a bit time consuming :confused:

thanks for any help!

Hey -

Giving the Crash Report Client on Linux a UI is something we would like to add however it is not available yet. If you run $make CrashReportClient from the terminal, it should provide you with more information in the case of a crash.
