Hello Everyone,
Basically when I build the Unreal Editor, on Linux, an error occurs that the file Core.h is missing.
Unreal Engine: 4.11
OS: Ubuntu 14.04
IDE: Qt Creator v 3.6.0; Qt v 5.5.1
Unreal Engine has been successfully built on Linux, following the wiki guide (A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums)
Qt Creator plugin has been built (GitHub - fire/QtCreatorSourceCodeAccess) and “Salamander Rake’s” video guide has been followed (- YouTube).
I’m following the tutorial on the Github - Epic - UnrealEngine 4.11 - Readme: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/blob/4.11/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Linux/README.md
I’m using this tutorial to import the generated project file (UE4.pro) into an IDE, in this case Qt Creator, but I do not believe the IDE is the cause of the problem below.
Establish an environment to develop a modified version of the Unreal Engine (modify the source code on github) on and for Linux.
When I try to follow the following steps, from the tutorial on the Github Readme (as mentioned above):
If you intend to develop the editor, you can build a debug configuration of it:
make UE4Editor-Linux-Debug
An error occurs.
Compile Output/Error
Running steps for project UE4…
Starting: “/usr/bin/make”
In file included from …/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Developer/AITestSuite/Private/AITestSuite.cpp:3:
…/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Developer/AITestSuite/Private/AITestSuitePrivatePCH.h:3:10: fatal error: ‘Core.h’ file not found
#include “Core.h”
1 error generated.
make: *** [AITestSuite.o] Error 1
16:56:43: The process “/usr/bin/make” exited with code 2.
Full Compile Output in attachment.
What I have Found
There are various Core.h files located in the UnrealEngine Directory:
- /UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Core.h
- /UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/ThirdParty/llvm/3.5.0/include/llvm-c/Core.h
- /UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/ThirdParty/llvm/3.6.2/include/llvm-c/Core.h
- /UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/ThirdParty/SpeedTree/SpeedTreeSDK-v7.0/Include/Core/Core.h
Similar Questions (but answers not applicable to this problem)
- Core.h missing in first Linux project - C++ - Unreal Engine Forums
- qt linux core.h not found - C++ - Unreal Engine Forums
The answer offered here was to switch to the UnrealEngine 4.8 branch, but I doubt downgrading would be the best solution here.
If there is any additional information that must be provided, please let me know and I will provide it.
Thank you very much for your inputs.