Links disappear at opening

Hi !
First of all, thank you for your job on blueprints, it is really useful !

But, I have a little problem. I created a blueprint project with the First Person templates and I’m currently trying to show some information on the hud. Because i have a lot of different classes with the same properties that could be printed on the hud, I created a class called “Drawable” which has a draw function

No problem here, it compiles and works great ! I saved it and closed the editor.

But when I reopened the project, the links were broken somehow in an odd way !

If i try to compile without changing anything it works, but doesn’t print the texture on the hud. If I remake the links and compile again, it says :

Error Internal compiler error inside CreateExecutionSchedule (site 1); please contact the framework team as we need a repro for this bug!

I have to delete the cast and recreate one like in the first image.
Is it because I have done something wrong ?

Thanks for your time !

Hi Valryo,

I’m sorry you are having this issue. Which version of the editor are you currently using?

Also, the first thing I would suggest is to make a new blueprint and recreate the Drawable bp. Sometimes this will fix odd blueprint issues. If this doesn’t work, post back here and we will continue troubleshooting.

I’m currently using the 4.4.0 version. I “fixed” the problem by creating a function Draw in the HUD bp which take a Drawable object as argument