"Linking?" problem VS after adding XmlParser to Build.cs

Hi there!

I have a Visual Studio linking Problem when i add a Modul to my Build.cs like this:

PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "XmlParser"});

then i include “XmlParser.h” in my c++ class and add code like mentioned here.

FXmlFile file(CompleteFilePath);
auto pRoot = file.GetRootNode();

It compiles, but VisualStudio can’t find the XmlParser Headerfile (Error: Cannot open source file “XmlParser.h”) :confused: and so i am not able to work without autocompletion.
What do i have to do, to get this working?




Try re-generating your project files by right clicking on the .uproject file and selecting the appropriate option. This will update your include directories and intelesense data for your project.

Thank you !
That solved it!