Linking an explosion to something

So the question is pretty much in the title. I know there is a ton of tutorials for creating explosions and putting them in levels, I have that part down pat. What I’m trying to do is connect it to an object so when I drag the object in, it carries that function with it. So if I hover the object above the ground, drop it, and delay it, like a grenade, then have it explode. Currently I have the explode working but it won’t stay connected to the mesh. The mesh drops during simulation but the billboard stays put. Halp! thanks.

I assume you are not using an actor but are doing this in the level blueprint right?

What you need is to do this inside of an actor. Just create a new BP and add as component your mesh.

Then inside of the graph if your event happens (for example it hits the ground or 3 seconds after you activated it or whatever) it spawns the explosion, applies radial damage with a falloff (or whatever you need for your gameplay) and while we’re at it some impulse so everything near it gets that push like something really exploded there.

Take a look at this tutorial:

It shows how to dynamically spawn actors but even more interesting for you: It shows how to have an actor explode after a set amount of time.

Great that video helped out a lot. Just gotta tweak it a little bit to keep grenades from raining down then I should be set for that part. Thanks again. Hopefully other people will find this helpful in the future.

Except I now can’t get just one to spawn and explode. it will only do it if the array is there. :frowning: Trying everything I can think of that makes sense.

Could you show me your code? Specifically the array part?

Well I removed the array, but I’ll post what I have now.

Here is where i have the grenade exploding animation
Here is where it’s supposed to spawn, then destroy after a couple seconds.

Just want to simple destroy the one grenade seconds after it spawns.

Well this should work once you link up the output from “SpawnActor Dynamic Grenade” with your “Destroy This Grenade”.

What exactly is your issue right now?

And just a small tip. Like this you have (once you press the button) a delay of 0.2 before anything happens. Usually for responsive gameplay you want instant action. You can implement that fairly easily by adding another gate and a sequence right behind the second gate. The first output goes directly into “Close” of the second gate and the second one to your “SpawnActor” node. Then (if you want to allow multiple nades at once) just add another sequence. One with your delay until one can throw the next grenade which will open the second gate again and the other one to your delay until the destroy grenade is called and then obviously call that one.

It’s not actually destroying it, it just sits there. I can see the wired turning orange and going to the node, but it doesn’t actually disappear. This thing is since it’s a grenade, I want it to explode after a few seconds, as if the pin has been pulled.
New issue now. Grenade does explode, but seems like the energy behind the explosive force doesn’t do anything. I have it set next to a destructible rock. Dropping the grenade on the rock breaks it, but the explosions doesn’t do anything at all.