I have a scene with a PawnBlueprint (PB) in it. This PB has a SceneComponent, and under than a SkeletalMeshComponent (SMC).
In my PB, I’m controlling the movement using a variable (called Speed), and moving the Actor using AddActorLocalOffset.
My PB has EventBeginPlay linked to SetAnimInstanceClass, which sets the animation instance on my SMC to my Animation Blueprint (AB).
What I want to do is ensure that I can get the speed value inside my AB, to ensure that my BlendSpace gets the correct value.
I’ve tried this a couple of ways:
- My AB also has a variable (called AnimSpeed) which I tried to set, but I could never seem to access them in the same place.
- I tried to use TryGetPawnOwner followed by GetVelocity inside either AnimGraph or EventGraph, but the velocity it returned was always (0,0,0)
How do I get this value from the PB to the AB? It could either be through the velocity of the actor or directly through a variable.