UE 5.4.4 source build
my code is all within my GameFeatures/MyGame plugin code folders.
I am trying to make my own UPawnComponent that duplicates LyraPawnComponent_CharacterParts. When I try to compile my pawn component that is the same as LyraPawnComponent_CharacterParts I receive this linker error.
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: class USkeletalMesh * __cdecl FLyraAnimBodyStyleSelectionSet::SelectBestBodyStyle(struct FGameplayTagContainer const &)const " (?SelectBestBodyStyle@FLyraAnimBodyStyleSelectionSet@@QEBAPEAVUSkeletalMesh@@AEBUFGameplayTagContainer@@@Z)
Here are my public and private dependencies.
new string
new string