Linked Anim Layers Explicit Time Bug Or Logic Error?

So, I’m Trying to setup a basic system where I can transition from Idle into a Walk, from the walk into the walk fast, and finally into a run.

That’s my only focus for now, but after the first transition I seem to get stuck during the second transition and I’m not sure why…I want to say it’s related to the Explicit Time setup but I’m not sure…breakpoints and debugging in general inside of these functions don’t seem to work at all making this more difficult than it otherwise would.

I made a video to breakdown the workflow I’ve got setup. It’s not super complex, but I haven’t quite grasped the Distance Matching feature.

You can watch this in the browser so there is no need to download it


Basically The Start Transition plays fine for the Idle To Walk
I transition into the Walk loop seamlessly…
I change my state to WalkFast so it goes back to the StartState
It then plays the WalkToWalkFast animation all the way through…
This is where things go wrong. It resets from seconds in to something like 0.013s
and it freezes at either the first frame or the last frame of the animation…it looks like the first frame since it’s 0.013s and it never transitions back to the Cycle State

It seems that the animation is actually playing all the way through but stopping at the end of the animation. Time Remaining and Automatic Rule is not detecting this for some reason.

In the picture I’m testing the Play Length against the Explicit TIme. When it reaches the end the true on the branch is firing. I was trying to Advance Time normally to see if that would help.

So, I was able to use an anim notify to set a variable that I use as another condition for blending out of that state and it works. So far this is the only solution I have devised since there doesn’t seem to be a way to communicate back to the Main Animbp that it’s finished…This seems to be either a serious bug or a serious oversight of some kind but it seems to be pointing towards a bug…I can’t think of any other reason it would be getting stuck.

I think my problem is actually a Bug.
For some reason the animation is playing all the way through but when it gets to the end my Main AnimBP is not being updated properly and so the State Machine on the other side thinks the Animation is still playing.

This causes the transition rule for Automatic and Time Remaining == 0 or even Time Remaining < 0.1 to fail even though the Animation is clearly over

To confirm this, I had it print to the log from my Linked anim layer True when the PlayTime was == to the Explicit Time. After the first time entering the state, the animations will hang at the end printing True to the Log, meaning that the animation is over but the MainAnimBP for some reason is not being notified.

Even when I get around this using Anim Notifies, I start seeing stuff where the transitions are blending out before the animations are over…this isn’t from the anim notify it has something to do with Sequence Evaluator Explicit time controls or perhaps just the use of Distance Matching in general, I’m not sure. When I tried to get around that problem by only blending out based on Anim Notifies for every transition…then my Anim Notifies stopped firing all together. I even set a breakpoint on them started a game and set the Anim Instance to the correct one…confirming this when I seen the character in the preview mimicking the actions of the one I was controlling…and the breakpoints on the Anim Notifies were not firing. And I know that is some kind of bug because they were working 100% without a doubt before I added them to the other transitions.