Linked Anim Layer not working on shipping mode ?

Link anim BP works pefectly in editor mode , but when I cooked my project I found that it does not work any more !!

I debug it, and found nothing unusual . Anyone met this problem ? Expect your reply .

I had the same problem.

If you have solved the problem, can you tell me how to solve it?

I am using UE5.0.3.

I found the cause.

So far, I have been using “GetLinkedAnimLayerInstanceByGroup” to get the LinkedAnimLayer.

“GetLinkedAnimLayerInstanceByGroup” returns LinkedAnimLayer correctly in Editor.
However, it returns nullptr in packaged projects.

Instead, “GetLinkedAnimGraphInstanceByTag” or “GetLinkedAnimLayerInstanceByClass” will work.


I set the Build Configuration to Development and packaged it to confirm.
スクリーンショット (2)

When confirmed by the Editor.