Hello everyone,
I’ve been struggling with my variables management because some categories remain even when they are empty :
Is there any way to manually force delete a variable category ? I could not find any solution on the net.
Hello everyone,
I’ve been struggling with my variables management because some categories remain even when they are empty :
Is there any way to manually force delete a variable category ? I could not find any solution on the net.
Hopeful refresh
For me, saving and compiling removes any category that has no variables assigned to it.
Is this blueprint a child of another class? Are you using Source Control?
Hello Prez, thanks for the reply.
I did try saving and compiling. The parent Class is set to “Character”. Actually the blueprint is the default “BP_TopDownCharacter” from Unreal’s Topdown template.
Here are my current “Source control” settings :
I also tried Edit > Delete Unused Variables. I tried reloading the actor (by right clicking on it in the content browser). I tried Updating redirector references. I tried duplicating the blueprint to see if it would delete the categories in the process. I tried creating a dummy variable, putting it in the persistent category and delete the dummy variable to try and repeat the auto-delete feature.
Really going short on ideas… to a point I think it is an unreal bug, but surely I am doing something wrong !
Compile and save the Actor class where the category was created.
Make sure no child class is using the category.
Hello, thanks for replying !
I did compile and save many many times, and since it is the second time you guys are asking about the hierarchy, see below the hierarchy of the blueprint persistent categories are in :
It is the default Pawn from Unreal template, and I never create variables in higher hierarchies. So I think all variables I created so far in the “BP_TopDownCharacter” are specific to this actor. And from the screenshot, I don’t think “BP_TopDownCharacter” has children.
I may not be understanding well your explanations and I apologize in advance if it is the case !
My next thought is that I see tags that have duplicate names.
Sometimes UE gets confused about stuff like that.
So it might be considering the upper and lowerase ‘movement’ categories to be different things altogether…So try changing the name of the category you’re still using to something like “Movement1” to see if that clears the duplicate out. Then you can switch your categories name back.
You are 100% right about the fact it is related to duplicates. Your idea was actually a super call and I tried it right away.
Turns out it worked perfectly for categories which did not have the “&” symbol (like the “Movement” category your example was based on) :
And I dearly thank you for that. However I’ve tried everything for the last one (Health&Energy) with the “&” symbol which seems to be extra buggy for some reason. I tried putting a 1, an underscore a space etc, but It won’t leave me alone !
That does confirm it is an editor bug though
I’ve made a record to show you the madness of this lol
Removing the space won’t do anything and changing from a category to another is detected as the same by Unreal (you can see the variable not move at all when I select the other bugged category)
And If I add a 1 as you advised, it just creates a 3rd category (even though this trick worked for categories without “&”)
I’d say put in an arbitrary random name for the “&” issue and see if they go away.
Name it like “TestCat” or someting, and move all those variables to it. It might wipe out both labels at once, and then you can just re-create the one you want.
Hello Prez,
Just wanted to let you know that I finally found the way to remove that last duplicate. It was a conflict with a function category which had the same name. The moment I changed it everyhing became fine again.
You helped me a lot solving these bugs, thank you so much and have a great day !