Hello, I’m here to help with a small multiplayer project. To sum up:
I have a line trace that triggers when an AnimNotify is activated in my anim montage.
-the line trace does damage in cast to pnj (my pnj).
problem: in rpc Run on server to multicast and also in run server to owning client, I can’t do any damage on the client side with my line trace, sometimes the trace called by the client executes on the server, I’ve corrected this now the client trace doesn’t do any damage (certainly because apply damage isn’t run on server) but how do I do this in my configuration? I’ll put the screens on for you.
Line trace and damage dealing should all be run on the server, client defacto should trigger the line trace, but never run it - it should belong to server
I’d break it up into proxy events.
On the client (autonomous) the anim_notify triggers fx and audio.
On the server (authority) it executes the trace and applies dmg.
On simulated proxies (sims) it executes fx and audio.
determining proxies… For Client Is locally controlled or (get local role == autonomous && Is Server NOT)
hello , in this configuration the line trace is done on the server side , but the client when it interacts the line trace, appears on the server player side.