I have a linetrace setup for a projectile. When I look at an angle to a hole in my floor, it hits an invisible wall at the edge of the hole. I don’t know why though, my bsp additive and subtractive brushes aren’t placed like that. I have no idea what it could be hitting, can someone please help me solve this issue? I’ve tried so many different things and googled this problem thoroughly. I don’t know what else to try.
I have images of my blueprints and some debug images of the linetrace as well.
Have you tried replacing brushes with static meshes? It could be that there is some collider that’s blocking visibility trace channel. Try changing trace channel in trace node to camera. Or it’s the brush you are using to cut that hole in the ground. It’s probably sticking out and blocking line trace.
Yes, I did that. In my project the hit component (visibility line trace) is the additive brush of the wall. The subtractive brush seems to have visually created a hole in the wall, but did not fully update the collision of the additive wall brush.
geometry building did not help.
replacing the subtractive brush did not help. (behaviour is inconsistent. some new subtractive brushes created true (collision) holes, others didnt.)
replacing the additive wall brush apparently solved the problem. (not a true fix though)