Using UE4.21 (no posibilty to change that)
I tried to get a reference from an overlapping actor.
The Actor is just a bp with an static mesh.
I ve made a Tool BP with a Pickaxe Mesh.
In front of the mesh is a Spehre Collision.
The sphere generate an Overlap event. (the hit resoult of the overlap event doesnt respond anything)
The Overlap event generates a Linetrace to the Actor
and the outhit tells me the Faceindex the linetrace has hit.
This Works Fine…Sometimes
but Sometimes the Faceindex is 0 or -1
and i dont know why
EDIT: now i knwo, the index is 0 or -1 when the trace doesnt hit anything.
but there is no systhem when he hit somthing an when not
To fix it have made a loop so he trace again and again until success but its not a good pactice i think