First image is UE4, second is U5. Both have problems when doing a Linetrace on a steep landscape.
This is done in Blueprints:
First image is UE4, second is U5. Both have problems when doing a Linetrace on a steep landscape.
This is done in Blueprints:
I had this problem in the past. I can’t remember exactly how I solved it, but it was happening on character meshes as well. I do know that it was because apparently hit locations are approximate and the line traces can fall a tiny bit short of the object you’re trying to trace or vice versa.
I’m not sure about UE5 at the moment, but UE4 you can increase the collision thickness of the landscape to help combat this issue. As for the character problem I was encountering because of this I had to manually add a tiny float value increment to push the trace forward a centimeter or 2 from the impact point to ensure it was hitting the mesh appropriately and it was solved 100% since. I’m sure this is the issue with your landscape, I would have to look back at the project and see exactly how it was done on the landscape itself, but you can look in this direction and maybe solve it sooner.
p.s. I think ccd continuous collision detection is a part of this, but I just remembered having to fool around with that also.
I’ve moved this over to World Creation category, you’ll have a better audience to answer this question there! The Unreal Online Learning feedback forum is for providing feedback on Epic made learning content.
I’ve used capsule trace for things like this.
Anyone who met the same problem, here is the solution:
make sure your line trace start is the heigher point.