Hi Im just starting, reading tutoriales and manuals so maybe this is a normal problem I didnt read yet. Hope you can bring some light.
Im doing low-poly trees and terrain in blender, everything seems pretty neat but in some place I find things like this:
Could be the textures to small? (64x64) Or maybe a result of scaling up the meshes during the importing process?
English is not my language so If im not clear please tell me.
Hey! I am not sure on what is causing your problem. On the other hand… Do you have a second UV map (Lightmap). Make sure that when you import your meshes and models untick the precomputed lightmap button.
Hi EliasWick, thank you for your time. I had second UV maps that where generated during the importing, I tried importing the same meshes and new ones while disabling the UV generation and sadly it did not change the problem. I also use a 512x512 palette texture now but It does not seem to change anything either .
Are you talking about building the lightning in “Production” quality? If thats so, then yes, I tried it and also does not work.
Oh, I’m sorry then. You could try to increase the light bounces to see if that makes anything happen. Try to split up all the UVS for the second channel - Remove all connections so that each triangle is by itself and see if that makes anything better.
I am just shooting in the dark… So testing this might not work… But I would give it a try. You can also try to increase the resolution of your Lightmap UVs.