Lines on animation

Hi everyone,
Could you help me? I have strange lines in animation.
It is Lumen. If I make capture FullHD, I don’t see this lines, but if I make 4K, I see.
Screen Percentage 100-200, It is not important, always the same.
Probably it’s because of I don’t have enough enough video memory?
RTX 3070 8Gb

Ran into this issue as well when going from 4K to 8K.



I’m looking into it now, I will post my findings.

So far, I’ve limited the causes down to a few things:
(Keep in mind, I am using Engine Version 5.0)

1.) Disabling Lumen GI resolves the issue

2.) Disabling Skylight resolves the issue (while keeping Lumen GI active)
Actually looks like there may still be a little bit of white banding in the shadow on the bridge

However, disabling either of these is not really an option.

So, there is some kind of connection between the two that is causing the issue.
Still doing some tests. Will report back when I find the problem.,

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Setting Global Illumination to “Epic”, while keeping the rest at “Cinematic” resolved the issue:


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Thank you so much, I will check it in my project!

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