Linear Limits on Character joint constraints not being respected in high velocity movements, how to fix?

Hey friends,

So I’m trying to set up a character to be clinging to a moving object with their hands, while their body simulates and can be flung around. Exactly like how it works in games like Shadow of the Colossus, Dragon’s Dogma, etc.

I’m in UE5.2 and I’ve been using the BP_PhysicsControlDriver as a starting point to get everything working.

The issue I’m getting is that when the parent object moves at a high velocity the attached characters joints are not respecting the constraints, and are translating away and breaking, even though they’re set to have their Linear Limits locked. This shouldn’t be possible, they shouldn’t be able to do anything except rotate, but it’s clearly not being respected.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

MannyLimbsBreaking.mkv (3.6 MB)

Freezeframe of it happening:

Default settings on the Mannequin character:

I’m wondering if there’s a way in Unreal to scale the velocity of the forces that are affecting a Physics object. Because that seems to be the problem that I’m experiencing. Things work properly at a lower velocity, but the speed at which we’re trying to move the character in our project is causing a huge amount of issues for the Ragdoll physics simulation.

If I could add a node to the character that just said “Scale all velocity being delivered to this character’s components by 0.25” then I think that might do the trick.


Still not managing to find any way to fix this. I’ve fiddled with the Linear Limits in every way that I can, plus messed with Mass, dampening, and plenty of other settings and have been totally unsuccessful for far.