I’m trying to change my HUD icon based on when a line tracing is hitting an interactive BP or not.
I’m using it with event tick.
if return value is true, then I want to have icon 1 and if it is false, icon 2
Using debug, I can see that the BP is being hit, but printing the response, I can see that it is changing from TRUE to FALSE on every tick.
I’m doing this for a VR project.
Are you sure this is not just due to confusion of how long the messages stay on screen - one is set to 5s and the other .5s. Can you set them both to 0?
Apart from that there’s little that could go wrong here. Can you test it outside of VR environment?
The issue is then elsewhere, not in the script you’re demonstrating here. Are you sure you’re not tracing elsewhere? You can quickly test it by disconnecting the Prints.
if I put the return value directly to a print, I have all TRUE when there is a hit and nothing when there is no hit But how can I use the return value to change
correction, same BP in a non VR (4.25) environment is working well
Dont now if this is a 4.19 issue or a VR one
Tried to build VR for android in 4.25 and did not work. (errors in app in mobile)
correction, same BP in a non VR (4.25)
environment is working well Dont now
if this is a 4.19 issue or a VR one
Tried to build VR for android in 4.25
and did not work. (errors in app in
VR is not my domain, so I’m going to tap out here.
If the above is a reproducible case, then this is a critical engine bug, obviously and needs reporting. Sounds unlikely as this is core functionality but who knows. I’d still suspect some foul play interfering with the result here, tbh.
Can you replicate this in a clean VR project with the most basic setup? Just a cube + linetrace
Found the issue!
I use a player start to position my character. My BP_char was pointing to a “false” spot.
When running the game it was like I have 2 line traces, one from the player start and another from the BP_character (always false)
I removed the player start and position my BP_char in a starting point, give to it “Auto Posses Player” = “Player 0” and “Auto Receive Input” = “Player 0”