Line Tracing Issues

Right so I have a problem and I was wondering if anyone could help. I have set up a line trace so that when it hits a surface type it switch to another surface type sound but the line doesn’t make contact with the surface/ ground due to it remaining in the air so it only plays the default sound. I tried changing the z axis values but I saw no difference. Any ideas of how I can go about fixing this issue? I’m also using/ building upon the Als template.

Problemed Solved! Footstep Audio using Anim Notifiers - UE4 With Casey - YouTube I used this video to help me out but to get everything working I had to remove all the animenotifys from the Locomotion mannequin and replace it with a skeleton one and once that was done. I went in the Anim_BP class of it and followed along the video. Hope this helps any new comers.