Line Trace

Hello, I have a problem with my blueprint that I can’t solve. I have this function to be able to detect an object, the only problem is that the line trace does not follow with my actor (with physics simulation properties). Basically, the line remains in the same place throughout the simulation despite my actor moving.

You have draw debug type set to persistent…meaning it remains where it is. Switch it to “For one frame”

I appreciate the reply, but it still doesn’t work…

Oh i just notices the physics sim part

You need to get the world location of the simulated component not the actor root. Same goes for the rotation

Is this supposed to work?

No you are getting the wrong parameters. Here is how it should look.
Just drag your physics enabled component into the scene instead of the sphere (and hook it up) and it should work.

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Thanks so much man! you are a genius!!!

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Don’t forget to mark it as resolved so that other people who have a similar problem can find the solution.

right! great idea