Line trace to geometry returning None

I am doing a line trace from my characters head, straight down so he knows what platform he’s on. If I try printing the hit actor it returns none, how can detect what geometry the player is standing on and compare 2 different geometries?

Returning none on hit:

My line trace:

Hi JakeOfSpades,

You could do this a few different ways. One way to go about this is to use the Hit Component instead. You can promote the variable for Object Types and set it for whatever types you need. Mine is set to WorldStatic, WorldDynamic, and PhysicsBody.

Another way (and probably more streamlined) would be to assign a different Physical Material to each floor type and then get that from the Hit Result instead. Then compare them pretty much the same way.

I hope this gives you some ideas.



Thanks for the advice TJ, I just added a blocking volume around the platforms and the line trace will hit it.