I have problem with my blueprint, i try to change visiblity to camera, deleted array i try all but the line trace not at center
Line trace to center of the screen. It will totally disregard the position offset of the camera and use the screen resolution as the guide.
same this not working
the lien trace not at center
Here is a working project in 5.03
It should be update-able if you have a newer version just right click & switch engine
copy the bluepritn?
how to maek this full auto?
In what way do you mean full auto?
If you want to constantly trace then I would suggest a function driven by a timer with a set interval.
If you need every frame then you can link to the tick function, but that would probably be overkill every frame unless you reduce the tick rate. (every frame would be bad for performance)
in weapone we can set full auto that i mean
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