Line trace is not hitting Character after 4.8 update

In my weapon blueprint I am doing a line trace to get what I shot at, and then applying damage, decals, particles, etc. This worked in 4.7, and initially in 4.8 it still worked. After changing collision setup, and changing it back to exactly same settings, line trace no longer works for character. Another character with same collision settings works just fine. I even tried reverting small change using revert from Git on that file. line trace still isn’t hitting Character.


I have a character with Pawn collision on Capsule Component, and for Mesh he has Custom, no physics collision, and object type of Pawn. All are blocked on Mesh except for Vehicle and Pawn, which are ignored.
Please let me know if you need more information. Any and all help is appreciated.

Character Mesh Collision Settings


Character Capsule Collision Settings


Line Trace blueprint (hits other meshes and characters just fine)


Hi Sorrien,

Could you post some screenshots of your line trace blueprint setup and Character/Pawn collision settings?

Of course, thanks for quick response. I will upload them as soon as I can. (which will most likely be later tonight.)

I’m having issues getting this setup to work properly in 4.8 and 4.7.6. Could you create a test project where this functionality is working properly in 4.7.6? Something we can convert to 4.8 and test.

I will see what I can put together

Edit: This may take awhile, I’m updating new version and redownloading 4.7.6

Hi Sorrien,

Have you had any luck setting up a test project for us?

Hi ,
Apologies, I haven’t. I’m in middle of moving and life has once again gotten in way of hobbies.

That’s totally okay, I understand. I’m going to resolve this post for now, then, until you get some more time. Once you do, reply here and we’ll reopen and investigate further. Thanks!

I duplicated blueprint for that character and placed it in world. duplicated one works, and old one does not. Same exact settings and everything. It’s very odd.

This problem has occurred once again for me in 4.8. Editor somehow corrupts my mesh scene component in my character class and only fix is to duplicate it and replace references, then pray editor doesn’t crash or delete my progress again. I would like to work with a member of staff to reproduce this problem and add it to bug list. This has become a pretty serious issue for me.

Hi again Sorrien,

We weren’t able to reliably reproduce this in-house, are you to a point that you could create a small test project with issue? Make sure to include repro steps for project as well.

Unfortunately I cannot find a way to force this to happen. It’s only happened twice, and I have yet to find a pattern. I wish I could be more helpful in finding solution. I did manage to get my project working again by forcing references to point to a duplicate, and then back to original blueprint. If this continues to happen I will attempt to record more information so I can find a pattern.

Okay, sound good. Just post back here to reopen report.

In meantime, I’ll keep an eye out for other users reporting this issue.

Thank you for your time, I will post again once I have something to test on.