I want the “Line Trace for Objects” to ignore the box collision and hit the actor in the box collision.
I want the “Line Trace for Objects” to ignore the box collision and hit the actor in the box collision.
Hey @Godlike0207!
You can right click the “Actors to Ignore”, promote to variable, and add “Box Collision” to the array! That way it won’t detect any box collisions whatsoever!
Can you please show me this, I didn’t understand it correctly.
Can anyone help me please, it doesn’t work?
I’m trying to put something together for you, but I had an issue and now I’m having to recompile all shaders before I can reopen UE5.
On another note… Have you thought about using “Line Trace By Channel” with the channel set to “visibility”? That would bypass anything that doesn’t block visibility so your box collision would be ignored.
I have to use Line Trace for Objecs", because I use object types Pawn and WorldDynamics
@Godlike0207 I think there might be some confusion. Line trace for objects just ignores all things that aren’t objects, where Line Trace by Channel uses a collision channel and returns the first thing that blocks that channel, be it whatever. Pawn, static, dynamic, whatever you want it to.
Now if you are set on using line trace for objects, if you’re trying to bypass your PLAYER collision and hit the skeletal mesh inside… you’re going to have to make your collision capsule on your player something other than “Pawn.”
You can open up your Project Settings, search “Collision”, and make a new one (maybe pawncapsules or something like that)- give it “pawn’s” default collision settings- set it to your actor’s default collision… THEN you can bypass it. Just make sure your player’s skeletal mesh is set to be “Pawn” and the capsule is set to “YourCustomCollisionChannel” you made.
I’ve already tried this, it doesn’t work. The Collision Box is in Actor. The line trace for objects should only hit the satic mesh in Actor and not box collision.
What’s described above does work, and really well to boot.
The box and the mesh block all. The mesh is of type we trace against:
The box is not:
If I traced against the type of the box:
Must have knowledge:
It works perfectly