I’m trying to make a crosshair/reticule which is draw where it hits a 3D widget attached to the character.
I tryied to use a line trace from my camera but the trace pass through the widget like it’s not here.
I did some test with all the collision settings but still no success.
Did you make it to were it can collide?
I’m sorry, I don’t understand your question, when I draw the debug line trace, the line trace hit what is behind the 3D widget and not the 3D widget itself.
I have a small sphere that I use as a reticule and I set it’s world location to the impact point of the line trace. It works on static meshes but It ignore the 3D widget attached to my character.
even with a collider you will need to set it as something for example: set it as a pawn collider or something like that if you know what i mean
I still need help with this. I tryied creating a custom trace channel, set the 3D widget collision to block this trace channel then do a LineTraceByChannel on this channel but it still doesn’t hit the 3D widget and just pass through.
The debug tracing of the WIdgetInteraction component succed to hit the widget so why do I can’t hit it by line trace?
What version are you on?
See if on the “line trace”, “ignore self” is unchecked, it was my mistake.