Hello !
So recently i got some help as a beginner to use LineTrace to actually interact with actors
The problem is that now that i can interact with them, i would like to display a little dot with some text under it when i’m looking at those actors ( in my exemple, a door bell when looking at sayin “Press LMB to interact” )
For now i tried to duplicate my basic interacting, switching LMB as a trigger to Event tick ( would probably swap to an update ever time Axis Y and X changes so it check at every mouse movement and not every single tick ) but the problem is
I managed to display my UI, but can’t find a way to remove it when i’m stopping overing the actor. So here’s my TPC Blueprint :
if it hits the actor, it checks if it have the interface i want, and so creates the widget and add to viewport, if it doesn’t have that interface ( so everything else in my case ) it remove it from parent, but actually the remove from parent isn’t working !
Sorry if you see huge mistake on my blueprint, i started UE4 yesterday so still a looooot do learn