Line Trace Component hit result issue

Is Line Trace Component not support Hit Result parameter or its a bug in UE 4.16?

Always have error:

Error Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_BreakHitResult_PhysMat from function: ‘GetDamage’ from node: Get Hit Location in graph: GetDamage in object: Character_Controllter with description: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_BreakHitResult_PhysMat

If I do a test with it, still have same error, anybody know abou it? Documentation page don’t have hit info parameter, werid.

You should make Branch from boolean ReturnValue of line trace.

And do something olny if it returns True.

Hello everyone, its because line trace component is trace mesh not the actor, so can’t get physical material from hit result.

Here some information: Melee Tracing Plugin - Marketplace - Unreal Engine Forums

Its because your line trace not hit anything. So, as I said, use line trace boolean output “ReturnValue” with branch to execute other instructions when it hits something.

Hi Bevisbear,

Can you try with “isValid” node?