Hello everyone. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
I have been having an issue with the ‘Line Trace by Channel’ variable as of late. I am drastically updating my solar system app that I created a few years back, so I have to deal with very small and very large assets (because the planets scale up and down), which can travel at very high speeds.
I have already written up a page on the UE4 forum regarding this, and it appears that at least one other team is having the same issue.
Here is the link to that page: 'Line Trace by Channel' appears to be offset at high speeds - Blueprint - Unreal Engine Forums
I have tested this out in a few different ways, and the end result is always the same. At higher speeds, the ‘hit’ detection appears to be calculated ahead of where the object is heading. I even put an "OnClicked’ node on the planet to see if that would give a different result, and the hit detection is in the same place as the ‘line trace’.
To help fix this issue, I have included a very stripped down version of my project for anyone to check out if they want to see exactly what I’m seeing. Re-creating a bug can be a pain in the butt, so I am trying to minimize that as much as possible. The file is very small (Only about 4.5 megs)
Here is the link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/80093308/TSS_EYB-4.7.2_Testing_Purposes.rar
Here is a very quick run through of the app. When you start it in the editor, you will fly into Earth. I have a simple ‘double click’ detection set up, so if you click on any planet twice, you will focus in on it (or reset if you’re already focused on it). On the upper left hand side you will see a toggle for scaling up the planets. To control the speed of the planets orbit (which is where the issue really happens), I have set up a simple button press from 1 to 9, 1 being the slowest, and 9 being the fastest.
To see exactly what I see, keep the planets small, and choose 1 or 2 for speed. You will see things working relatively normal. Now, if you bump it up to 4 or 5, you will see the collision detection is ahead of the planet. When the planets are larger, they have a bit of this issue as well, but due to their size it isn’t as obvious.
I hope someone can help me out with this bug, It would be greatly appreciated!
(I hope my files help)