line trace by channel and particle

How do you use a projectile that uses a particle system to make a plasma ball replace the draw debug type in a line by trace channel? So when it fires I will see the plasma ball fire off in the trajectory instead of the debug line.

The LineTraceByChannel only serves to give you information about that Trace. You would then use the HitResult information that is returned to determine if that Trace direction is favorable for an particular event.

RayTracing only serves to give you information about the environment. It is up to you to determine what to do with that information to cause an event to occur, such as firing an Plasma Ball.

Check out the FirstPersonTemplate and look at how they use LineTraces and Projectiles.

I am using the hitresult and it works to shoot at the enemy AI but thats the problem though I don’t know how to cause an event to fire the plasma ball. Thats what I was asking. I thought I had made that clear, obviously not :frowning:

Spawn Actor of Class is probably what you are looking for.