"Line Trace" blueprint to properly provide the "Simple Move to Location"

Hi, I cannot get the “Line Trace” blueprint to properly provide the “Simple Move to Location”. Generally, it is working fine; the character is walking as expected.
However, at some angles (close to horizontal) to the objects, it doesn’t work, and the character doesn’t move.

I forgot to mention, it is a “Point and Click” third-person character approach.

Shouldn’t you provide a location that is accesible on the navmesh rather than an ureachable location in the middle of the wall? Unless the character is supposed to climb it, are they?

Thank you for a prompt answer. Yes, it is actually Nav Mesh. I tried following this tutorial on YouTube.

No, the character is supposed to just walk in the pointed direction, no climbing.

You provide a location that is in the middle of the wall, this will not work reliably. The characters move on the navmesh, provide locations close to the ground. Perhaps a secondary trace downwards would do?

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Yeah! That’s it! The simple node “break vector” does the trick! Now it is running smooth as a cat :slight_smile:

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