Line trace based on reflection (bounce)

that didn’t worked either… Well now at least I know that problem is because I upgraded my project. I’ll just work on other parts of the game and hope that in a future version it will work

Hi! I am trying to do something similar but with lasers (reflected using prisms). How can I do this bounce logic x times, depending on the amount of prisms. Say if there is one prism then the beam should reflect once, but if there is a second after the reflected beam, I want it ti be REFLECTED of the normal once again. Can I use custom events and line trace start point as paramater input for this?


sorry for posting on a pretty old thread, but if anybody else has been having problems getting this to work, you could also try this solution. with the other version youre technically reflecting the position of the object as well, which can cause weird results, but with this version you get the direction of the vector, then reflect it and add the position :3