Line Trace and Sphere Collision


I have a Actor blueprint wich contains a static mesh component and sphere collision attached to it. I want to sphere collision triggers a overlap events, and static mesh component for Line Trace For Object events, but I can’t get this working, Line Trace hit result always show the sphere collision component, and not a Static Mesh Component, only when I disable the sphere collision the setup works. Any Ideas how to resolve this?

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I just did this and it works out of the box.

The collision volume is set to ‘overlap all dynamic’ and the mesh is block all.

EDIT: I’m just checking, obviously you can’t trace through the cube to the sphere ( if it’s on the inside ).

I’ve found the solution, just need to create custom channel for object in project settings, and in Line Trace For Object change to use the new channel.


Thank you very much, this has got me unstuck from a similar situation. I also had to figure out that once I create custom object channel in under Project Settings → Collision (with Ignore by default), I needed to go to the traced object’s Collision settings, select custom preset and in the list select Block for my new object channel. Then I could use the LineTraceByChannel function to only trace objects with my object channel set to Block.

This article is a good resource for general collision and line tracing understanding: Collision Filtering - Unreal Engine