I’m new into this, can someone help me to fix the lines? i want to see them in good quality from far away and I’m kinda lost.
Are those lines geometry, or texturing, or calculated in the material?
If they are texturing, you may be able to make it look better by significantly increasing the amount of anisotropy – 16x might do it.
If they are calculated in the material, or are built with geometry, you may need to significantly increase anti-aliasing in the renderer settings. 8x AA is not uncommon for good looking scenes.
The lines are material, i tried every setting from render settings about AA and it can get only worse:
(i have everything on epic from engine scalability settings)
Hello Ad1qua, Welcome to the Forums.
The first thing I wonder is if your texture is a power of two (1024x1024, 1024x512 etc) If it is then mip-mapping (dynamic texture resolution based on distance) may be happening.
If you are working with a power of two texture: Try turning Mip Gen Settings to ‘NoMipmaps’ to see if there is any difference
Also try changing the Texture Group (It’s another setting in the details panel of the texture) to ‘2D Pixels (unfliltered)’ - This may end up making it worse, but could also sharpen things up.
Ultimately you may just need to make those lines thicker.
Protip: press CTRL and a number from 1-0 to save a camera position. Then you can press 1-0 and the camera will move back to its saved position. (Could be useful for taking comparison screenshots)