Line Between Points

Hi there,

I’m trying to draw a line of sorts between two actors.

I’ve used the debug line (works) but I need this to run in-game so not really an option.
I’ve used the cable option, which is pretty good but is a bit fiddly because of seqments etc.

Imagine I have a building game, and I want to by means of lines, show that my sawmill needs input from building A and building B which is indicated by these lines.

I would like my lines to be using 90 degree angles instead of being diagonal. *which is what the cable does. I think I could do this with some math thinking so not major hurdle atm.

The line must

-run in game
-must be colour changeable
-must be thickness confirable
-must use 90 degree angles rather than diagonal
-should be animated, i.e. flicker or flow in the direction to or from the building
-it must be flat, i.e. all the same Z (configurable) to if you select multiple buildings they have their own “layers” - like traffic lanes in 5th element!

This is probably the first time I had no responses on a post, tough time for a community :confused:

However, to do this I figured out splines would do the trick.
To cover against what I was looking for

-run in game → Use spline mesh component and set a mesh + forward vector
-must be colour changeable → change mesh material
-must be thickness confirable → change mesh scale \ transform etc.
-must use 90 degree angles rather than diagonal → this is configured on the spline , incoming and leaving tangents, set to 0
-should be animated, i.e. flicker or flow in the direction to or from the building → object to follow the spline (similar to mesh) but just regular object mesh
-it must be flat, i.e. all the same Z (configurable) to if you select multiple buildings they have their own “layers” - like traffic lanes in 5th element! → play with different meshes to be 2D or 3D