[Line: 198] Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost. (Error: 0x887A0020 - 'INTERNAL_ERROR')

This happens at any time when working in ue4 and it does not depend on any specific actions.
Just crashes with a such error.

I’m havin’ this issue too do you have the rtx2060 super ?

No. Have a gtx 750 ti, but i don’t think v-card is a cause.

Idk I tried with other versions of ue4 and I still have the problem. I asked about it to my professor and he told me that that should be enough to discard it’s ue4. So now im gonna try to do a clean uninstall of my gpu drivers.

So I just used DDU to uninstall my GPU drivers and CCleaner to clean de registry after that I reinstalled nvidia latest game ready drivers and now I’'ve been working on ue4 for 2+ hrs, it seems like it’s fixed (I also deleted my %temp% and local temp

Huh XD
I did that yesterday and going to check the result now.

Yep! All day without crashes. Idk why i didn’t this previous. Lazy piece of human :slight_smile: